Discipleship Ministries Grants 

Discipleship Ministries offers several grant programs to further the priority of making disciples around the world. These include grants for young people and ministries with young people, grants that support the racial/ethnic local church and connectional ministries, and endowment-funded grants for adult discipleship in Texas.  For further information or assistance on Grants for Ministries with Young People and Global Youth Service Fund, please contact the Grants Administrator at youngpeople@umcdiscipleship.org. For further information or assistance on Racial Ethnic Local Church Concerns or Sam Taylor grants, please contact nannandale@umcdiscipleship.org


Grants for Ministries with Young People

Our application process, new in 2021, involves two stages. Stage 1 applications are brief overviews of the proposed project and are due by April 15. Anyone that meets the grant criteria can apply in Stage 1. Stage 2 applications are by invitation only, chosen from the stage 1 applications that clearly define their goals, budget, and how they will measure their impact. For more detailed information about the 2-stage process, please refer to our detailed guidelines at https://www.umcyoungpeople.org/grants-for-ministries-with-young-people


Global Youth Service Fund

Our application process, new in 2021, involves two stages. Stage 1 applications are brief overviews of the proposed project and are due by April 15. Anyone that meets the grant criteria can apply in Stage 1. Stage 2 applications are by invitation only, chosen from the stage 1 applications that clearly define their goals, budget, and how they will measure their impact. For more detailed information about the 2-stage process, please refer to our detailed guidelines at https://www.umcyoungpeople.org/global-youth-service-fund

Racial Ethnic Local Church Concerns Grant

The purpose of the Discipleship Ministries Racial Ethnic Local Church Grants (RELCC) is to provide funding to strengthen the ethnic local church through leadership training, small groups, worship, stewardship and spiritual formation as they engage in developing disciple making systems inside the church walls as well as in the local community. Priority is given to new programs and ministries that move churches to places where disciples are formed, grow and make new disciples of Jesus Christ who will transform the world. Additionally, special attention will be given to programs that are led by United Methodist young people with a passion for racial justice who are engaged in innovative initiatives that promote reconciliation among races. Racial Ethnic Local Church Concerns applications are due September 6, 2024. 

Sam Taylor Trust Fund Grants

Sam Taylor Trust Fund grants are available for Christian education endeavors for adults in Texas, for Texans. Grant applicants may request up to $15,000 for such projects. Applications are due by September 6, 2024.

Discipleship Ministries Awards

One Matters Award Program

Discipleship Ministries offers the ONE Matters Award (OMA) program in order to recognize one congregation from each annual conference that has successfully increased its numbers of professions of faith and baptisms from zero to one. The OMA consists of a commemorative  plaque and a $1,000.00 check to be delivered to the selected congregation.

Eligibility: Open for Annual conferences in the United States. DCMs may complete the application or delegate the application to a authorized individual within the annual conference.


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